Thursday, July 15, 2010

Learning Activities#3



2.Clearly distinguish among Mass,Weight and Volume?

Answer:Mass is a measure of quantity of matter in an object while weight is the force upon an object due to gravity and these volume is the space occupied by the object.

5.What kind of path would the planets follow if suddenly no force acted on them?

Answer:Straight line path off into space

When acceleration is Zero-Equilibrium

13. Consider a book that weighs 15N at rest on a flat table.How many newtons of support force does the table provide?What is the net force on the book in this case?

Answer:15n of support force the table provide.The table pushes up on the book with as much force as downward force of gravity on the book, so the net force on the book is zero.

20.What is meant by free fall?

Answer:Free fall is that when there is only force of gravity that acts, on which is the weight that is when air resistance and the like are negligible.

2.Drop a sheet of paper and a coin at the same time.Which reaches the ground first?Why?Now crumple the paper into a small tight wad and again drop it with the coin.Explain the difference observed.Will they fall together if dropped from a second-,third-, or fourth-story window?Try it and explain your observations.

Answer:When we drop a sheet of paper and a coin at the same time,the coin dropped first in all move we done from first to fourth,then on the second move which we crumpled paper they fall together until the fourth story window because on the first move there is a present of air resistance which is on the paper we call it as free fall that's why a coin dropped first while on the second move there is none air present that's the reason why it dropped together.

5.The net force acting on an an object and the resulting net force are always in the same direction .You can demonstrate this with a spool.If the spool is pulled horizontally to the right, in which direction will it roll?

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